Runner Lifting #2

A Runner Lifting #2

Not going to lie.. after an 8-mile run with some intervals this morning, front squats weren't high on my list of things to do, but I got it done… 

I really stick to two variations of squats. Mostly barbell front squats and goblet squats. I don't do barbell back squats. That'll make many strength purists mad, but I don't feel great with a lot of weight on my back, so I find other ways to train the squat movement. Mainly front and goblet squats. Don't get stuck in thinking there's only one way to do something. Modify, don't miss.

1) Barbell front squats 5 sets - 5,5,5,3,3 

 Stability work - This was done through a variety of exercises. 

2a)Step ups / step downs 3x8 reps on each leg. Slow and controlled.

2b) Lateral strides and stick 3 x 5 on each leg. Here I explode out to one side and try and stick the landing on one leg for 3-5 seconds before I jump laterally back to the other side and do the same. Rinse and repeat

2c) Single leg RDL hold 3x20 seconds

3a)Pulls 3x10 (low row, pull-ups, inverted rows) - Someone took the cable machine I was using as I did some dead bugs, so I just did a different row every set.

3b)Deadbug variation 3 x30 seconds

4a) Paloff press 3x8 on each side. Puch out, hold for one second, bring back in.

4b) Push-ups 3x15. Slow and controlled

4c) Standing dumbbell shoulder press 3x10

That's all she wrote. If someone asks, I'll start attaching videos to exercises since just explaining them is hard and a visual is needed. I just like to know someone is reading this far before I add more... kidding...not kidding haha.

Much love


3 Step to a 300lb Bench press.


Is starting really the hardest part?